Australia is often called the world's largest island. It is surrounded by water and has about 10 000 beaches. Australia is big enough to be its own continent, which it! Australia sits in the southern hemisphere and has an area of more than 7 million square kilometers and ranks as the sixth largest country in the world. Although Australia began as a British colony, today is a multi-cultural with immigrants from all over the world now call themselves Australians. The population now stands around 20 Million. These days Australia's indigenous Aborigines called it, represents only about 2% of the total population. Aboriginal history back some 40 million years they have inhabited most of the Australian continent before the arrival of any Europeans. Australia's amazing natural wealth. It generates 95% of the world's opals and 99% of the black opal in the world. One of Australia's largest exports is beef. Australia offers more than 27 million head of cattle.

Australian wildlife thrives with unique flora and fauna. Two of the most famous Australian animal wildlife are the koalas and kangaroos. Kangaroos are marsupials belonging to the group of animals called macropods. "Macropod" means "big feet." Other Australian macropod in the same family as the kangaroo is the kangaroo. The biggest kangaroo is a big red kangaroo standing 2 meters and weigh up to 90 pounds. You'll find red kangaroos in central Australia red dry. Koala will be the most popular wild animal known to Australia. Koala bears are mammals and not really a bear. It is actually more related to kangaroos and wombats Australia. Travelers come from all over the world to see and to be able to hold one of a small bear-like creature that cuddly teddy bear in one of Australia's many natural parks. Another strange creature unique to Australia is one of the world's largest bird called emu. Its name comes from the Portuguese word "Emma," which means a big bird. The male emu can stand as high as 2 meters, gaining the prestigious title as the largest bird in Australia.
Australia has seven major cities that are hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to every year. Australia is Sydney's largest city with a population of just under 4 million. What makes Sydney so beautiful was the port and surrounding waterways. Coastline is lined with beach after beach. Some of the signs of the most popular Sydney Harbour Bridge area, the Sydney Opera House and Bondi beach. In 2000, Sydney was the Olympic host country. Sydney is a very modern city and is full of first class hotels and restaurants. To the south of Sydney, we have a modern and cosmopolitan city called Melbourne. Melbourne sophisticated atmosphere filled with some of the best restaurants in the world. Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia, with a population of about three and a half million people. It is also known as the sports capital of Australia. Adelaide is known as the City Church This is a city that is softer than the fast lifestyle of Sydney and Melbourne. It also contains first-class restaurants and hotels at a price much cheaper than Sydney or Melbourne. Adelaide is also known for great wines from the Barossa valley.
To the western side of Australia is a city in Perth. Perth is a beautiful city situated along the Swan River with a population of just one and a half million people. Its citizens enjoy a lifestyle that would be very easy. The upper end of Australia to Darwin, with the hot tropical weather patterns. It is also known as Crocodile Country, Australia, and also the north gate to Asia. The top of the east coast of Australia we have Queensland. Queensland houses one of the seven wonders of the world: Great Barrier Reef. The capital of Queensland is Brisbane, which is also a dynamic and diverse city. It is also the gateway to a tropical island in the north. Brisbane is a very popular destination of tourists enjoyed by young and old alike.
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